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The Liberty of Southwark - a look at the final scheme

Following extensive, and ongoing engagement with the local community, the revised application for the Liberty of Southwark was submitted to Southwark Council in October 2023.

To celebrate the submission of our proposals and the community’s extensive participation in them, we held two free Christmas events that set out the final scheme and outlined the extensive benefits that the scheme will deliver, following extensive consultation and community input.

The Liberty of Southwark Christmas community event

At these events, local people joined us for hot chocolate, mulled wine and mince pies whilst we showcased the latest imagery and discussed the benefits associated with the final proposals.

As you may know, some monumental archaeological finds were unearthed at The Liberty of Southwark. These discoveries will be retained on the site they were found, for permanent public access and enjoyment.

CGIs (Computer Generated Images) of archaeological findings being displayed on site

15 Southwark Street, of which has laid in disrepair and disuse for decades, will be sensitively and thoroughly restored to its former glory, and back into its former use.

15 Southwark Street prior to restoration works

Crossbones Graveyard will be protected and enhanced, with the implementation of community-led design improvements to unlock this storied site’s wonderful potential.

The Crossbones co-design workshop

Alongside this, The Liberty of Southwark will also provide:

  • A new market for the area located within Calvert’s Yard, with market stalls for local retailers and suppliers complementing the ‘food emporium’ of Borough Market.
  • A cycle hub for cycle parking, including a shop and café where local people can get a coffee and get their bikes fixed at the same time.
  • Flexible maker-space and retail for local creatives, crafts, and flexible artist studios. The flexible retail spaces will provide front doors to the street, and include a local community cycle hub, café, restaurant as well as shops.
  • We want to thank you for your continued engagement so far and for helping shape these proposals into what they are today. If you would like to get behind our proposals for the Liberty of Southwark, you can head to send a message of support to Southwark Council.

    We are excited to continue to engage and involve the community in 2024. If you have any questions or comments, do not hesitate to get in touch with the project team via or at 020 3633 6482.

    Kindest regards,

    The Project Team

    Posted on 20th December 2023

    by The Liberty of Southwark Project Team